Below is information on how much storage space each community and each group has. This storage can be used to upload photos and documents:
Community-wide storage space: 2GB x Number of Groups is the maximum disk space that a given community can use. For example, for a campus with 200 groups their maximum total storage would be 400GB shared across all groups and users.
Group storage space: On top of the community-wide storage space limit, each group also has its own storage limit, which is by default 2GB per group. In other words, a single group cannot upload more than 2GB worth of files in their Files section.
This limit can be increased for all groups by platform Admins. To do that you may:
Click Admin
Click General Settings
Click Storage
This limit can also be increased on a per group basis by the CampusGroups Support Team only. Please email if you'd like to increase this limit per group.
For example, setting a campus-wide limit to 20GB would allow all groups to store 10 times more files in their Files section (at the risk of them hitting the community-wide limit causing a full block of all uploads on their platform, if a tenth of the groups go up to their quota)
You can increase that limit by upgrading your account. Please contact your dedicated Customer Success Associate and they will take care of it rapidly (you will receive a pro-rated invoice, that can be attached to your next billing cycle if necessary)
Please contact with any questions.