The Login Page of a CampusGroups Platform can be highly customized with slideshows and dynamic content upon request to the CampusGroups team.
To enable the custom Home Login pages, please send an email request to to activate the feature.
Once this has been done, you will be able to access and edit the displayed pages from the "Admin" menu, under "Settings" > "Home Website".
3. This page will work like any group Website Builder.
Note that four default pages are added upon creation: Home, Groups, News and Events.
Each of these pages will display public content from the platform.
Here are examples of such pages:
4. You can use custom pictures to populate the slideshows of the home page by clicking on the "Slideshow" button.
5. From the "Slideshow" page, you will be able to create new slideshows by clicking on the "Create Slide" button or edit existing ones with their "Edit" button.
6. Add a picture, a title and a subtitle to the slide.
It is also possible to add a button to the page in the "BUTTON ACTION" section.
Link it to a specific page by adding the page's address in the "Button link" field.
7. Activating the feature will also replace the Login page.
Optional Features: additionally, if your campus subscribed to the Page Customizations feature, you will have the ability to:
Customize your home page with custom links and widgets
Customize your public landing page with more slides
Create more public facing web pages and customize the navigation on top of your public landing page
Add content to your public facing footer
Customize group pages with custom widgets