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School Administrators
School Administrators
Suggested Tasks for a New Term
Create Custom Platform Name (White Labeling)
Navigating the Report Builder
How to set up your Virtual Fair
Transferring a Survey to Another Group
Creating and Uploading Custom Fields
Branding Automated Email Notifications
How to mass upload Profile Pictures
Creating Group Category Tags
Using a Custom URL for CampusGroups
How Admins Can Track Unsubscriptions
Using SMTP Allow Listing to Prevent Emails From Being Marked as Spam
How to customize the Homepage
Setting the Default Privacy Settings
How to activate the Group Registration feature
Adding a Custom Unsubscribe Message
Payment Gateways available on CampusGroups
How to create and edit Custom Values
How to verify users
How to enable approval events for Campus Admins
Reviewing a User's Engagement Information
Sending Targeted Emails Across Campus
Creating a New Group as an Admin
Deactivating Users from CampusGroups
Updating a User's Profile as an Admin
Deactivating a Group
How to pull statistics on School Groups
Reactivating Users
How to send an intro email to Group Officers with Password Reset information
How to change graduated students into alumni
How to mass update students' user tags?
Adding New Users
Importing New Users to CampusGroups
How to retrieve Group Acronyms or Group IDs
Single Sign-On Integration
What is the difference between the API and the Data Warehouse
What is the difference between an administrator and an officer?
How to create an event waiver template
How to create new Approval Processes per group type
My Courses