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Group Templates

How to use Group Templates to set default settings when creating a new Group

Joe Pernick avatar
Written by Joe Pernick
Updated over a week ago

When creating a new Group, by default, all groups will start with the same settings. However, you can use a Group Template to preset the settings of all new Groups based on an existing group's settings. This can be done through both New Group Registration and an upload.

When using the Group Template feature, all of the settings from the Group selected will be copied over with the exception of the following:

  • Basic Settings (Group Name, Group Type, Categories, Group Acronym)

  • Published

  • Hidden

  • Close Membership

For this reason, it is recommended that you create a template Group to copy settings from rather than using an existing Group as the template.

Group Registration

Follow these steps to set up a Group Template through New Group Registration.

  • Navigate to Admin > Settings > Approval Processes

  • Click Create Process or edit an existing one

  • Scroll to the bottom and select a group within the Group Template dropdown

  • Groups created with the Approval Process will have the same Settings as the group selected


Follow these steps to upload new groups using the Group Template:

  • Navigate to Admin > Groups > Upload Groups

  • Download the example file

  • Input the Group Acronym of the the group you would like to use as a template in the group_template_acronym column

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