The Drop-In feature allows Participants without a scheduled meeting to request one at the door. Once a Participant has Dropped-In, it will be possible for Hosts to Book them. This means that a Host acknowledges the arrival of the Participant and will start the meeting with that person shortly.
To get started with a Connection Program, please review our article on creating a Connection Program.
To activate and utilize the Drop-In feature, please follow the steps below:
Manage your group
Click on More Tools
Click on Connection Programs
Choose the program for which you want to activate the Drop-In feature and click on the Edit pencil icon
Scroll down to the More Options section
Set the Activate Drop-Ins option to Yes
Click on Save when you are done
You will now be able to use the Check-In Kiosk button. This links directly to the kiosk from which Participants will be able to Drop-In.
Note: This is the same kiosk for all of the group's Connection Programs. Participants will be able to choose which Program they want to Drop-In to from the kiosk.
The Drop-Ins button will allow Officers and Hosts to view all of the Drop-Ins
A Host can select Book to acknowledge the arrival of the Participant
A Host can then Create a Meeting with the Participant by completing the information in the pop-up form
Once a meeting has been booked, the Drop-In record will be archived
A Host can also Cancel a Drop-In record to archive it
To learn more about how Participants will use the Check-In Kiosk to Drop-In, please review our article on using the Drop-In feature for a Connection Program.
Please contact with any questions.